
The FARMM initiative organizes the first Challenge, a workshop oriented at providing an answer to specific questions to a specific dataset within a relevant phenomenon. The event will be held at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona on 15 February 2019. The empirical domain of this challenge is clitics. INVITED SPEAKERS: Rita Manzini (University of Florence)…
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Alberto and Luana at WoSSP 15
On June 28-29, Alberto Frasson and Luana Sorgini will take part in the 15th Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Phonology (WoSSP) in Barcelona. Alberto will give a talk entitled Talian subject clitics: a case of syntactic change in contact; Luana will give a talk entitled Differential Object Marking, Person-driven auxiliaries and Person-Case Constraint.
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Jan, Francesco and Roberta at GLOW 41
On April 11, Jan, Francesco, and Roberta will present a poster at GLOW41 in Budapest, with the title On phasal domains and the difference between subject and object clitics.
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