
Microcontact at IGG
The Microcontact team will be present at IGG 46, which will take place in Siena (February 27-29). We will talk about Structural vs. typological similarity in microcontact: a view from heritage Italo-Romance (the whole Microcontact team!) and Person sub-features and the evolution of Romance ternary demonstrative systems (Silvia). The webpage of the conference is:
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Talk by Silvia Terenghi at WoSSP 16 (Madrid)
Silvia will give a talk about Romance demonstratives in diachrony and the organisation of person features at WoSSP 16 (Madrid, 17-18 June). The webpage of the workshop is:
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Microcontact at CIDSM14 (Prague)
The Microcontact team will be present at the 14th CIDSM (Cambridge Italian Dialects Syntax-Morphology Meeting), which will take place in Prague (27-29 May). We will talk about The syntax of postverbal subjects in a heritage Trentino variety spoken in Bosnia Herzegovina (Alberto and Jan) and about Demonstrative-reinforcer constructions: variation in Italo-Romance (Silvia and Jan). The…
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