Heritage Language Syntax 2
The 2nd Heritage Language Syntax conference will take place in Utrecht on 15-17 December 2021. Invited Speakers: Suzanne Aalberse (University of Amsterdam) Abbas Benmamoun (Duke University) Oksana Laleko (State University of New York – New Paltz) Brechje van Osch (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) Michael Putnam (Pennsylvania State University) Liliana Sánchez (University of Illinois – Chicago) Deniz…
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HLS goes virtual!
The Heritage Language Syntax workshop will take place ONLINE on October 12-16 (DATE CHANGE!). HLS1 will take place online. The talks will be hosted on the OSF from the 12th to the 16th of October. On the 16th of October at 15:00 CEST there will be a round table with the invited speakers who will discuss issues around heritage language syntax….
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