
Roberta at the ELF2, Puebla, Mexico
Roberta will be one of the invited speakers of the 2nd Encuentro de Lingüística Formal en México, which will take place online, on September 8-10, hosted by the Universidad Autónoma de Puebla in Mexico. You can find more information here: Encuentro de Lingüística Formal (
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The FARMM initiative organizes the first Challenge, a workshop oriented at providing an answer to specific questions to a specific dataset within a relevant phenomenon. The event will be held at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona on 15 February 2019. The empirical domain of this challenge is clitics. INVITED SPEAKERS: Rita Manzini (University of Florence)…
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Andrés Saab visiting Microcontact
Andrés Saab (CONICET, Buenos Aires) will give the next set of Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics Lectures. His crash course will be entitled Case conflicts and A-movement: DOM, doubling and clitics in Rioplatense Spanish. The course will take place on Monday 17, Tuesday 18, and Wednesday 19 at 11:00-13:00 in Janskerkhof 13 0.06 (Stijlkamer) Attendance is free, but we would like to…
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Talk by Jan Casalicchio in Konstanz
Today, Thursday 15 November, Jan Casalicchio will give a talk at the University of Konstanz with the title Acquiring a minority language in a trilingual society: the influence of German and Italian on a Rhaeto-Romance variety.
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MicroContact at LAGB Annual Meeting 2018
The MicroContact team was present at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, which took place in Sheffield on September 11-14 2018. The following talks were delievered by our team members: D’Alessandro, Roberta & Luana Sorgini. A-telic perfectives. The feel-like periphrasis in Eastern Abruzzese. Casalicchio, Jan & Alberto Frasson. The effects of…
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MicroContact at CIDSM 13
The MicroContact team was very well represented at the Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax Meeting/CIDSM 13, which took place in Messina on July 2-4 2018. The following talks were delivered by our team members: Casalicchio, Jan & Alberto Frasson. Changes in the use of subject clitics in Venetan: preliminary results of a quantitative study. CIDSM 13, University of Messina, 2-4…
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