
New publication!
Eliciting Big Data From Small, Young, or Non-standard Languages: 10 Experimental Challenges, co-authored by Roberta D’Alessandro with Evelina Leivada and Kleanthes K. Grohmann, has just appeared. The article is in #OA and can be downloaded here. Leivada, Evelina, Kleanthes K. Grohmann & Roberta D’Alessandro. Eliciting big data from small, young, or non-standard languages: 10 experimental challenges. Frontiers in…
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Advances in Italian Dialectology
The volume Advances in Italian Dialectology. Sketches of Italo-Romance grammars, edited by Roberta D’Alessandro and Diego Pescarini, has just appeared with Brill. The description and TOC can be found here.
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Speciale Treccani Lingua Italiana su Microcontact
Il portale Treccani Lingua Italiana ha dedicato uno speciale al progetto, con articoli riguardanti diversi aspetti della nostra ricerca, intitolato Il progetto Microcontact: l’eredità linguistica dei dialetti italiani. Questi gli articoli: Il progetto Microcontact: l’eredità linguistica dei dialetti italiani, di Roberta D’Alessandro I fattori interni del cambiamento. L’evoluzione dei dialetti nel tempo, di Francesco…
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Microcontact at SLE Zurich
Jan Casalicchio and Francesco Ciconte attended the SLE conference in Zurich, which took place on September 10-13. Jan Casalicchio presented a paper entitled The syntax of embedded gerunds in Romance. Francesco Ciconte presented a paper entitled Postverbal subjects in old Italo-Romance. Stay tuned for the drafts!
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